
God is Good, All the Time

Lamentations 3:25-26 ESV
“The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

We don’t like to wait, especially patiently, much less quietly. But it is good to wait on God, it shows that we have strength and we have assurance that God is going to rescue us. When we show restraint, God honors our patience and trust.

It’s better to trust and wait than to be impatient and agitated because that only prolongs answers. God is not trying to make us miserable, He is teaching us that we can rely on Him for our every need.

Israel many times in the Old Testament did not trust God and refused to wait on the Lord. That attitude always got them in trouble and their suffering was always prolonged. Not because God wanted them to suffer, but they suffered because of their own stubborness.

God did great things through Israel when they trusted and obeyed. God will do the same for us when we trust and obey.

Father, teach me to walk in Your ways, in Your favor, relying on You for all my needs.