
Giving You Back Your Purpose

Psalms 146: 7b-9a
“The Lord sets the prisoners free; The Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; The Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the sojourners;
He upholds the widow and the fatherless…”

Don’t read this Psalm just for face value. The prisoner that God sets free is the person that is bound up with cares, troubles and sorrows.

The person whose eyes have become blinded are the eyes that have grown dim with the cares of this life, to the point that they have no vision of what could be.

The person who is bowed down with troubles, these God will lifts up and puts them in the right path of blessings again.

The Lord looks out for you and me as well as the strangers in our circle of influence. The ones that are especially dear to Him are those who have lost the family connection, the widows and the orphans. He provides them with deep abiding love and gives them new friends and family to encourage them and provide for their needs.

Father, thank You for watching, for caring, for providing. Thank You for seeing us in our sorrows and troubles and setting us free, lifting us up and opening our eyes to see new possibilities! Thank You for reminding us that we are family and friends to those who have lost the family connection!