
Giving Away God’s Love

1 Timothy 1:5 ESV
“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience…”

Paul told his protege that the calling of God is for us to show His love to all with sincerity and purity. That is not always easy to do with the people we face in this world, but it is still our calling.

Timothy was learning how to be a pastor for one or more churches that Paul had established in Ephesus. Ephesus was no small city and Timothy was going to establish churches all over the city.

If more seminaries would establish young Pastors in the simplicity of love instead of the politics of the denominations and their programs, we wouldn’t have about 250 Pastors leaving the ministery every month in all denominations. If we know the true love of God, we have to express the true love of God.

Paul added in his instructions to Timothy, love from a pure heart, a good conscience. A pure heart is a heart that has no hidden agenda. A pure heart does not seek its own selfish needs. A good conscience is free of guilt, no regrets. When we have been forgiven of all our sins, we can love deeply.

Father, I don’t want to be bogged down with the cares of this life, I want to give Your love away with a pure heart and a good conscience.