
The Word

John 1:1 ESV
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

John introduced Jesus in his book as having several titles. In this first and very important title, Jesus is called “The Word.” This word in the Greek is Logos and is used as the divine revelation of God. Jesus is Immanuel, “God is among us” or “God is with us.” Jesus is not just a representative of God; He is the manifestation of God. Jesus is God in flesh.

The world at the time of writing this book was turned upside down…kind of like it is today but much worse. The world’s view of this Almighty God was not good. Men served idols and natural phenomenon’s easier than they served an all-powerful God.

God sent His Son in flesh, to lead mankind out of darkness into the light. God had to show the world who He was, so He came in flesh to reveal Himself. So, Jesus, is the revelation, or the manifestation of God Himself. You could actually read this verse like this;

“In the beginning was the Logos or the Revelation, the Manifestation of God, and the Revelation or Manifestation of God was with God (as one), and the Revelation or Manifestation was God. So Jesus the Revelation of God came to dwell with His creation.” That thought astounds me, that God would do that for us.

God needing to reveal Himself to mankind in the flesh of mankind was brilliant. Now what was being manifest by God, was a relationship with a Holy God that is loving and kind and came to bring us out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Father, I do not know why You love us so much, but You do, and I am so very grateful. I love You because You first loved me. In Your matchless name Father God, Amen!