
Everyone Did What Was Right In their Own Eyes.

Judges 17:6 ESV
“In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

I will do my best to make this positive, but first, I have to say, history repeats itself. In a world where law and order is not the rule or even the norm, that is a world out of control. That’s where the world stands, even in America, we have lost control, lawlessness is the norm.

Paul wrote to Timothy, “For the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy…” (1 Timothy 1:9 NLT)

It’s important that a group of people should set the standard, play by the rules and live with integrity. That’s up to the Christians. The only agenda they need to follow is to follow Jesus, to the letter!

Lord, help us, who live under the name of Christ,. To strive for law and order and set the example for the world to see and honor You by obeying you as well as the laws of the land. In Your name Lord, Amen!