
Proverbs 12:16 NLT
“A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.”

A foolish person, runs his mouth, reviles insult for insult, looks for trouble and stirs things up when they are bored. A foolish person tries to get even, tries to settle the score and makes a fool out of himself when he does so.

A wise person, considers the source, shrugs off a taunt, and goes about his way. A wise person knows that foolish people are typically miserable people. So, when faced with a fool, the wise sometimes understands silence is golden.

Give a fool enough rope and they will eventually hang themselves, not literally but figuratively. Someone once said, ” Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Consider the source, when faced with the foolish, they typically amount to not much. But the wise prosper in their way!

Father, teach me to be wise in word, actions, and deeds!