
The Calling

Romans 11:29 AMP
“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable [for He does not withdraw what He has given, nor does He change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call].”

God calls us to do certain things in this life. Everyone has been called at some point to do certain things, it is not just preachers, teachers, and evangelists. We may have accepted the call or we may have rejected the call, but His calling does not go away.

Moses had a call to do a certain task, but he faltered. Forty years later God called Moses again and he made every excuse in the world why he couldn’t do what God was asking, but God continued to call Him anyway.

Adam and Eve faltered in their walk with the Lord (their calling) and suffered great loss in a relationship with God. They were put out of the Garden of Eden, but they still continued on. They had two sons, Cain, and Abel, but Cain killed Abel. Then Cain was sent away by God. Basically, Adam and Eve lost two sons. At one hundred and thirty years old, Adam and Eve had another son, Seth, which means appointed. Through Seth Adam and Eve’s family continued (their calling restored).

Joseph had a special calling by God to be the leader of his family. Through a series of horrible events, that were not his fault, He spent thirteen years in slavery and bondage. It may have seemed as if his calling was gone, but one day Joseph interpreted a dream for Pharoah and Joseph went from prisoner to the second in command over a whole nation. His calling was not fulfilled until he forgave his brothers for selling him into slavery, and he brought his father’s house to live with him in Egypt.

If you believe that the calling is gone in your life, it is not, God’s calling is irrevocable. If you believe it is too late, His calling for you is irrevocable. If you believe you are too old for the calling, not talented enough, or that you have blown it too many times, God’s calling is irrevocable.

Lord, there are those that are reading this that have all kinds of reasons why they cannot fulfill Your call, but You never call without equipping also. There are those who have songs to write, books to write, certain tasks to fulfill, callings to complete. Your call is irrevocable, but they need to hear You. You are still calling but doubts have silenced Your voice. Break down the walls, give them ears to hear You. In You precious name Lord Jesus, amen!