
What Can Happen in a Year

Genesis 18:14 NIV
“Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” When the visitors from the Lord appeared to Abraham, They told Abraham that Sara would have a baby next year at this time. When Sara overheard the conversation, she laughed to herself, not out loud.

The visitors from the Lord said to Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”

Take off the limits of what you think is going to happen by this time next year, and see with possibilities of what God can do in you by this time next year. Most of the time we think one year just runs into the next year and things are as they always are. But dare to believe. What can God accomplish in a year? Or, what can He could accomplish even in a blink of an eye?

As we get older, we appreciate every year that goes by much more than we did when we were young. But as we get older, we are not sure what the next year holds for us. I want to break that thought process. Imagine what God can accomplish in a year. He could save all of our children and grandchildren if you have them. He could heal our aches and pains, He could put our finances in order, He could fulfill dreams and goals. I ask again, what can God do by this time next year in you?

Father God, You have designed each and every one of us with a plan. We may or may not have completed that plan yet. I do not believe that I have completed all that You have designed for me, so I ask, fulfill in me all that You have planned for me from the foundations of the earth. I take off the limitations that I believe I have, and I say, anything is possible with You Father. You can do anything.

Father, for those reading this, fulfill in them all that You have planned. Do not allow them to limit themselves. Open up their minds and hearts of the possibilities. Open up the heavens and pour out a blessing of time, energy, finances, and fortitude to accomplish in them great things by this time next year. Accomplish all that You have planned for them by this time next year. By this time next year, work in them, and me, great and mighty things for You, In You blessed Son’s name, Jesus I ask, AMEN!