
Wait On the Lord

Isaiah 40:31 ESV
“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Isaiah indicates waiting on the Lord is to look for, hope in, and expect His appearing. Most of my life I have never been a very patient person. Waiting meant to me inactivity and inactivity was not getting things done.

As I get older, I understand that waiting and patience are vital to understanding things better. It’s being less hasty about things, gaining new strength. I have asked the Lord to make the rest of my life on earth my most productive. Productive in building the kingdom, winning souls for Christ, and strengthening lives, hearts and minds.

In order to accomplish this goal, I will have to wait on the Lord. I will have to abide in His presence for many hours, otherwise I will not have the wisdom, strength or stamina to accomplish this quest.

If we wait on the Lord, abide (live) in His presence we will mount up with wings like eagles; we will run and not be weary; we will walk, in the Lord and with the Lord, and not faint.

Lord Jesus, we wait in your presence. We know that this time of waiting is necessary and vital to our roles of being Your children. Strengthen us for the task ahead of us. In Your name Lord Jesus we ask, Amen!