
For Him or Against Him

Matthew 12:30 ESV
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”

In context, this passage was spoken against the Pharisees because of their unbelief in Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus is saying, If you are not with me, You are against me, and if you do not work with me for the kingdom, you are scattering those who could believe.

In reference for you and me, it is not good enough to just believe, but we have to actively believe and spread the “Good News.” I know it is uncomfortable, I know it can be frightening. 

As a young man I was involved in a ministry that went from door to door talking to people about Jesus. I felt unsure and intimidated because some accepted, but others rejected the message. The point I did not get was, they were not rejecting me, they were rejecting the Savior of the world. Those who rejected the message were people to be pitied. I had no reason to feel rejected.

Later in my walk with the Lord, I did not have a problem speaking up about Jesus, Jesus is everything to me. If He is everything, then I need to fulfill the mandate and tell whoever I can about Jesus. To take this message to heart, if we are gathering with Jesus, we are for Him. If we are not gathering with Him, we are allowing lives to slip away or to be scattered.

Lord, make me a light shining out in the darkness of the world. As I proclaim You Lord, let the anointing fill me to spread the “Good News” of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Your name Lord Jesus I ask, Amen!